
Bird News Friday 23rd February.

A Black Redstart was seen at Helens Bay,bird seen at carpark at coast guard cottages which takes you down to the boat house at shore line.(Ronnie/Lillian Snoddy)  coast guard cottages are at the bottom of Coastguard Ave which is off the Craigdarragh Rd

A Spotted Redshank was at Myroe Co. L'derry this afternoon.(G Bareham/M.Tickner)

The Green-winged Teal remains at the Ecos centre in Ballymena.(Richard Gray).

A Red Throated Diver was in the bay at the first tee at the Old Course Portstewart at 2-30. (Sean Hickey).

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrick harbour (Joe Lamont)
Black Redstart - Ronnie Snoddy.

Pied Wagtail - Noel Austin.

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