
Bird News Monday 12th February.

An ad winter and an ad. summer Med Gull were at Kinnegar shore, Macedon Point had 2 Long-tailed Ducks. (Stuart McKee)

2 Snow Buntings where at Glenarm Rowing Club. 2 Glaucous Gulls where a 1 km outside of Carnlough. (Paul Tout)

The Spoonbill remains at Anne's Point. (Graham Day)

A Bonaparte's Gull was seen at Killybegs, Co.Donegal (Rich Bonser)

Snow Bunting - Paul Tout.
Graham Day - Spoonbill

Volunteers needed.

Please find below a story on RSPB NI’s call for farmland survey volunteers in Co Down. The role gives people an excellent opportunity to further improve bird identification skills, to increase their knowledge of farmland wildlife ecology and to learn more about farming. And of course the survey work helps to let us know if birds including yellowhammers, skylarks and linnets are prospering across the county. Any coverage would be much appreciated and Colin Graham (details at the bottom) is the contact for anyone who is interested in being a volunteer. Here’s a link to a blog by one of our 217 volunteers, Alan Bates: . If you are interested please contact or 02890491547

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