
Bird News Saturday 17th February

Yesterday 2 2nd winter Glaucous Gulls were at Garron Point on the Antrim coast. (Gavin Ferguson).

Today the 2 2nd winter Glaucous Gulls, a 1st winter Glaucous Gull and a 1st winter Iceland Gull were south of Garron Point and an adult Glaucous Gull to the north of the Point. (Stuart McKee & Garry Armstrong).

The Green-winged Teal is still at Ballymena Ecos park. (Jeff Larkin).

An Iceland Gull was at Portvogie and 2 Black -throated Divers south of Gransha Point. (Richard Weyl).

A 3rd winter Glaucous Gull was at Ushet Lake on Rathlin, 3 White-fronted Geese flew over the island. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Slavonian Grebe was of Macedon Point in Belfast Lough. (Michael Latham).

8 Sandwich Terns were at Portaferry this afternoon. (Ian McKee).

A 3rd Winter Glaucous Gull was near Runkerry Point. A 2nd Winter Iceland Gull was near Dunseverick Harbour. Also seen there was a large flock of Twites containing at least 60 birds. (Colin Guy).

A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was Belfast Lough RSPB reserve this morning. (Daniel Newton).

A Little Egret was in Lurgan Park. (Phil Webb).

The Glossy Ibis was still at Portmore RSPB reserve. The Great White Egret and a Hen Harrier were at Mullagh, Lough Beg. (Richard Donaghey).

As well as the Glossy Ibis the red head Smew was also still present at Potmore RSPB reserve. (Linda Thompson)

Thanks to Gavin Ferguson for the picture of the Glaucous Gull, to Phil Webb for the picture of the Little Egret to Noel Austin for the picture of the Water Rail, to Paul Mulvenna for the picture of the Dipper, to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Cormorant and to Linda Thompson for the pictures of the Glossy |Ibis and the Smew:




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