
Bird News Friday 30th March

An Iceland Gull was at the seafront Whitehead in the corner at the start of the path to the Lighthouse (Cameron Moore / Nigel Smith).

A Red-throated Diver was in Portballintrae Bay. (Robert Plant).

At Lough Beg today a good spring count of 36 Ruff were with 500+ Black-tailed Godwits at Paddy's Dub, also the three Little Stints present (these over-wintered at the Beg). Two Pink-footed Geese were at Mullagh. (David Steele).

A Snow Bunting was at the RSPB West Light Centre on Rathlin, a Great Skua was also there, a Hen Harrier and a Brambling were elsewhere on the island. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

200+ Black-tailed Godwits, most in summer plumage, were at the Barmouth. (Raymond Fulton).

Thanks to Ric Else and Hazel Watson for the picture of the Snow Bunting:

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