
Bird News Sunday 4th March

An adult Yellow Legged Gull was at Kinnegar shore (Wilton Farrelly)

Three Pink-footed Geese were with Whoopers and Greylags at Oxford Island (Brian Murphy)

A Woodcock flew over the River Lagan in Lisburn at the weir between the Union and the Moore's Bridge (Eric Randall)

A Jack Snipe was seen on waste ground close to RSPB WiW, Belfast (Daniel Newton)

A Goosander was at the Bann Estuary (Richard Donaghey)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was in Portglenone Forest yesterday (Greg Moorehead)

Blackcaps are been reported widely. Two were in a garden at Scarva (Fulton Somerville)

If you know the origin of this ringed Bar-tailed Godwit, please contact Gareth Platt at:

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