
Bird News Sunday 15th April

A moulting White-billed Diver was seen from Melmore Head, Co Donegal, looking west this evening (Robert Vaughan)

5 summer plumage Slavonian Grebes were at Greyabbey Bay south. A 1st year Iceland Gull was at Portavogie and 1st year Glaucous at Cloughy. (Garry Armstrong/ Stuart McKee)

Yesterday a Little Gull and two Manx Shearwaters were on Belfast Lough this offshore from Carrickfergus - seen from a boat (Roger Woodward)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was at the Quoile with a female Goosander also there. (Stuart McKee)

A Spotted Flycatcher and two Yellowhammer were at the back of Cairn Wood, Craigantlet (Ronald Surgenor)

A Red Kite was over Glenhead Road, Glenwherry Ballymena today (Gregory Moorehead)

8 Mediterranean Gulls and a Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Stuart McKee / Garry Armstrong).

A White Wagtail and a few Twite were at Sandy Bay, Larne (Kevin Kirkham).

An adult and a 2nd calendar year Mediterranean Gull were at Sandy Bay in Larne, see picture below. (Neal Warnock).

A Stock Dove, possibly the first island record was on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Glaucous Gull Cloghey

Mediterranean Gull - Neal Warnock

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