
Bird News Sunday 1st April

A female Ferruginous Duck was viewable from the Croaghan hide at Oxford Island this afternoon. It was looked for this evening without success. (Jeff Larkin)

The Lesser Scaup was seen again in Closet Bay, Oxford Island (James O’Neill)

A drake Green-winged Teal is off Ballycarry Bridge, Larne Lough this morning (Cameron Moore)

A Long tailed Duck off was off the Croaghan hide, Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong)

Despite the unfavourable conditions, two Willow Warbler were singing at Craigavon lakes today (Brian Nelson)

A male Brambling was still in a garden at Spa (David Nixon)

20+Brambling were at Blackwood Golf course/Clandeboye estate. An adult Little Gull was at Castle Espie. (Ronald Surgenor).

Two first-year Mediterranean Gulls were with large numbers of other gulls on fields at Slaght near Ballymena this morning. (David Steele).

Today a 1st year Glaucous Gull was at Runkerry Beach. Yesterday 2 Iceland Gulls were at Portballintrae - an adult and a 2nd year. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the picture of the Green-winged Teal and to David Nixon for the picture of the Brambling:


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