
Bird News Sunday 29th April

An untagged sub-adult White-tailed Eagle was at Glenarriff  today, last seen heading towards Martinstown (Mervyn Campbell)

A Little Gull, 9 Mediterranean Gulls and a Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Garry Armstrong) Later in the afternoon At Belfast Harbour Reserve this afternoon I had a Whimbrel, a Common Sandpiper and 2 adult Little Gulls (Tom Ennis)

A juv White-tailed Eagle was at Blackers rock Lough Neagh (Godfrey McRoberts)

A Whinchat along with a good fall of Greenland Wheatears were at Rue Point, Rathlin (Hazel Watson / Ric Else)

A Whinchat was in the Antrim Hills (Daniel Newton)

6 Crossbill were at Glenshane Forest (Lindsay Hodges)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at The Quoile (Kevin Kirkham-Brown)

An untagged Red Kite was on Acre Road, Magheralin (Brian Boyce)

Garron Point, Co Antrim had a 1st year and adult Iceland Gull (Ian Enlander)

13 Crossbill were at Lough Navar Forest Park feeding on Larch. 6 Whimbrel were seen at Portadown flying north (Brian Nelson)

Cuckoos, Grasshopper Warblers, Whitethroats, Swifts and Sedge Warblers are now widely reported. Thanks to everyone for their sightings.

Many thanks to Mervyn Campbell for this pic of the White-tailed Eagle:

Male Crossbill, Lindsay Hodges:

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