
Bird News Sunday 8th April

A minimum of 80 Whooper Swans remain on the Toome Complex; Also present were the Great White Egret, 10 Little Egret, 13 Ruff, 2 Greenshank and 30 Pintail. 540 Brent Geese were at Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

A drake Ring-necked Duck was off Milltown (Maghery), Lough Neagh, Co. Armagh. (David Knight)

A third year Iceland Gull and a first year Med Gull were at Kinnegar. A Ruff was at the RSPB WoW Reserve (Stuart McKee)

A male brambling was feeding in a garden at Mountsandel, Coleraine, this morning (Eddie Manthorpe)

Circa 50 Twite were at Ballykelly/ Myroe near the footbridge. (Michael Savage)

A Red Kite was at Lough Aghery, Annahilt this afternoon (Gerard McLaughlin)

A Carrion Crow was on the edge of Belvoir Estate and a pair of summer plumage adult Mediterranean Gulls at Kinnegar Pool (Clive Mellon)

A female Brambling was in a garden at Richhill this morning (Andrew Poots)

Portavogie had a 1st year Iceland Gull and 4 White Wagtail (Richard Weyl)

Many thanks to Andrew Poots for this pic of the Brambling:

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