
Bird News Wednesday 18th April

A Little Gull and 2 Little Egrets were of the hide at the Quoile Pondage, good numbers of common migrants were also present. (Spencer & Joan Marshall).

A 2nd calendar year Iceland Gull was at Whiteabbey yesterday afternoon, see picture below. (Suzanne Belshaw).

5 Mediterranean Gull and a Ruff were at RSPB WoW (Gerard McGeehan)

A Cuckoo has been reported from Murlough.

The Green-winged Teal was seen again at the south end of Lough Beg this evening, also present were 6 Whimbrel (first of the spring at the Beg) and 40+ White Wagtails. (David Steele).

The drake Ring-necked Duck, 10 Common Terns and 3 Little Egret were at the Quoile, 250 Brent Geese were grazing in a field north of Portavogie and 6 Sandwich Terns were at Groomsport. (Tom Ennis, Tony Dodds & Tony Donaldson).

Iceland Gull - Suzanne Belshaw

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