
Bird News Sunday 13th May

RSPB WoW had this morning, a 2nd summer Little Gull and 16 Med gulls - 13 adult, 2 1st year and a 2nd year. (Stuart McKee)

A Red Kite was over the centre of Lisburn this morning.(Eric Randall)

The Corncrake continues to call on Rathlin (Daniel Newton)

Two White-billed Divers were off Tory Island (Brian Carruthers)

A 3rd year Iceland Gull was near Dunseverick Harbour.  Yesterday a Tree Pipit was seen briefly bathing at a puddle on the White Rocks Road Portrush (Colin Guy)

Thanks to John Moore for this pic of a Whitethroat:

Kestrel, Wilf Swain:

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