
Bird News Sunday 6th May

Glenhead Road, Glenwherry had four Wheatear, three Crossbills  (2 ad and a juv ) and a Cuckoo this morning. (Richard Gray)

RSPB WoW has the pair of Little Gulls and 11 Mediterranean Gulls (Garry Armstrong)

Two Reed Warblers were singing at Kinnegar Pools this afternoon. (Clive Mellon)

Tory Island had a juv White-billed Diver at the east end (Robert Vaughan). Yesterday an adult was also seen (Ger Murray)

Fanad Head had a first winter Glaucous Gull, 2 Corncrake and 30+ Long-tailed Duck in summer plumage (Wilton Farrelly).

Three Crossbill were at Slievanora, see picture below. (Michael Latham).

A 2nd year Iceland Gull was near the Giants Causeway and a 3rd year Glaucous Gull near Dunseverick Castle. (Colin Guy)

The Corncrake is still calling on Rathlin (Kevin Kirkham-Brown)

Thanks to Michael Latham for the picture of the Crossbill and to Mark Killops for the picture of the Swift:


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