
Bird News Thursday 10th May

The best around Kearney Village was 2 male Wheatears, 4 Whimbrel and 2 Stock Doves. (Robert Hart, Michael Richardson and Fulton Somerville)

A Spotted Flycatcher was seen in Slieve Gullion forest park this morning. (Frank Carroll)

2 Cuckoos were calling near the Ballynulto Road, Antrim Hills this morning (Brenda Campbell)

RSPB WoW was relatively quiet this morning with 5 Shoveler, 20+ Common Terns and 3 Arctic Terns. There were at least 6 Mediterranean Gulls but no sign of the Little Gulls in the morning. There were however 1400+ Black-headed Gulls (Derek Polley)

Black Guillemot, Bangor, Jeff Silvers:

Wheatear, Paul & Niall Mulvenna:

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