
Bird News Thursday 31st May

A great-spotted woodpecker is visiting a garden in Loughgall (Dennis Lavery).
Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve had male pochard, 200+ black-tailed godwit, 2 ringed plover, 15 dunlin, 5 pairs of Med gulls and young of coot, mute Swan (5) and black-headed gull.
Lower Lough Erne RSPB Reserve, Co. Fermanagh had a Knot (just the third county record), 2 Turnstones, a Black-tailed Godwit and a Greenshank (Brad Robson).

For the third year in a row a Common Gull has bred with a Mediterranean Gull in Antrim (Gareth Platt).

Thanks to Jonny Andrews for the photo of the Great Skuas on Rathlin Island and to Gareth Platt for the Common x Med Gull pairing.


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