
Bird News Tuesday 15th May.

A Little Ringed Plover was seen at Paddy's Dub, Lough Beg, although it is mobile.(David Steele)see bottom pic

A Hawfinch was visiting a garden in Glenhead Road, Glenwherry, Ballymena. (Gregory Moorehead) see photo below

A 2nd year Glaucous Gull was flying over Ballycastle Road, Coleraine.  Another 2nd year was seen flying over Gateside Road Coleraine later in the day - possibly the same Bird - (Colin Guy)

A male Mandarin was between Shawsbridge and the Minnowburn car park. The bird also flew so not pinioned (Sam Thomas)
On Sunday a Common (Mealy) Redpoll was at Kebble on Rathlin. (Patrick Barton).

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