
Bird News Sunday 22nd July

An eclipse male Garganey was in the southwest corner of Lough Beg today, also now 25 Ruff (mostly moulting males) on the western shoreline and further Greenshank passage with 14 today, mostly juveniles. (David Steele).

A ringed Common Gull with the number 5182366 was at Millisle yesterday, this bird was ringed as a chick in Rogaland, Norway on 9th July 2016. (Gareth Platt).

Up to 40 Puffins along with Manx Shearwaters were around Mew Island of the County Down coast today. (Michael Latham).

A Storm Petrel was at Burial Island on the Outer Ards. (Richard Weyl).

Thanks to Michael for the pictures of the Puffin and Manx Shearwater and to Gareth for the picture of the ringed Common Gull:

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