
Bird News Thursday 5th July

The Corncrake was heard calling today on Rathlin (Ken Moore)

Crossbills seem to be on the move. Yesterday 5 were at Kinramer, Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson) and good numbers have been seen in North Donegal in recent days (Robert Vaughan)

There was a high count of a minimum of 51 Black Guillimots at Glenarm harbour yesterday (Garry Wilkinson)

Also, for anyone who's interested: 
The first Guillemot and Razorbill chicks are already leaving the cliffs now, so there's just a few weeks left for anyone to come and see the spectacle of Rathlin's breeding auk colony at its peak. The 'jumplings' will be making their thrilling leaps from the cliffs at dusk every night throughout this month, and a special late night viewing session will be organised on Saturday 14th July. It may also be possible to arrange viewing on other nights - contact the RSPB Rathlin West Light Seabird Centre on 02820760062 to enquire.

Thanks to Wilf Swain for this pic of a Wren:

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