
Bird News Monday 13th August.

2 Ruff and 3 Common Sandpiper where at Shaw's Lake,Glenanne,Co Armagh. (Neil Cartmill)

Rathlin had a Hen Harrier and a Sooty Shearwater. (Ric and Hazel)

A female Marsh Harrier was seen over Reedy Flats.(Davy Knight)

Sandy Bay, Larne had 2 Sanderling,14 Dunlin,12 Ringed Plover and 7 Turnstone. Glynn had 7 Greenshank, 114 Red-breasted Merganser and a Whimbrel. (Gerald McGeehan/Shireley Dunlop)

A high count of 65 Little Egret where seen from the train between Coleraine and L'derry.(Chris Shaw)

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