
Bird News Saturday 25th August

A juvenile Black-necked Grebe and an eclipse male American Wigeon and two juvenile Garganey were at Lough Beg this afternoon, 5 Turnstone flew over heading south. (David Steele).

Reed Warblers are still showing in the reed bed around Kinnegoe hide at Oxford Island, see picture below. (Garry Armstrong).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was near Kinnegoe Hide early this morning, a male Scaup was off the hide. A Ruff and a Black-tailed Godwit were at Croaghan. Two Spotted Flycatchers were along the west shore of Lough Neagh and a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was with Black-headed gulls at Ellis Cut. (Oscar Campbell).

A Great Skua was seen at Groomsport and 6 Storm Petrel at Burial Island.(Richard Weyl)

And thanks to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Gannet and the Sandwich Tern:

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