
Bird News Sunday 5th August

Yesterday the juvenile Black Tern at RSPB WoW disappeared for significant periods of time but was seen again at 7pm (Stuart McKee)

A Tree Pipit and 2 Crossbills over Kinramer, Rathlin this morning. All but the very last handful of Guillemots and Razorbills have now gone from the colonies. Still hundreds of Puffins this morning, but they look as though they will be gone in the next couple of days. (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

This afternoon RSPB WoW had a Roseate Tern and over 200 Dunlin (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

Rossnowlagh Donegal had a juv Med Gull, a dark phase Arctic Skua, 6 Great Northern Divers and 106 Common Scoter (Brad Robson)

Male Bullfinch, Wilf Swain:

Ruff, Barmouth, Thomas Campbell:

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