
Bird News Thursday 23rd August

Seen from Melmore Head today were 1 Sabines Gull, 2 Long-tailed Skuas, 2 Pomarine Skuas, 8 Bonxies, 7 Arctic Skuas, 7 Common Scoter, 200 Sooty Shearwaters, 23 Arctic Terns, 20 Storm Petrel and 1 Whimbrel (Eric Randall)

A Green Sandpiper was in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was at Ramore Head (Colin Guy)

RSPB WoW had a Peregrine, 30+ Ringed Plover, 2 Ruff, 400 Curlew, 10 Knot and 100+ Dunlin (Derek Polley)

Ballykelly had a Spotted Redshank and a juv Mediterranean Gull; 1 Arctic Skua was off Castlerock.(Hill Dick / Peter Robinson)

Thanks to Wilf Swain for this pic of a Buzzard:

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