
Bird News Thursday 2nd August

A Wood Sandpiper was in the south west corner of Lough Beg. The Wood Sandpiper was still present this evening, also a Garganey and the first juvenile Ruff of the season. (Jeff Larkin/David Steele).

5 Tree Sparrows were in a crop field at St John's Point. (Philip Watson).

A family party of Sparrowhawks was moving through Ormeau Park in Belfast this morning. (Andrew Johnston).

The juvenile Mediterranean Gull was still at East Strand car-park in Portrush. (Colin Guy)

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Peregrine, to Andrew Johnston for the picture of the Sparrowhawk, to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Dunnock and to Colin Guy for the picture of the juvenile Mediterranean Gull :

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