
Bird News Saturday 22nd September

An adult White-rumped Sandpiper and the Buff-breasted Sandpiper were at Myroe to 2pm at least (Neal Warnock)

An adult American Golden Plover was at the west end of Myroe along with a second Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Garry Armstrong)

19 Whooper Swans were at Bridgend, heading towards Inch Wildfowl Reserve (Christine Cassidy)

A 2nd yr Little Gull was at Whitehead Promenade at 11am (Cameron Moore)

A Pomarine Skua was at Ramore Head this morning (Richard Hunter)

A White Rumped Sandpiper was seen this morning at the Barmouth but flew off high. There was no sign of the American Black Tern (Theo Campbell)

3 Carrion Crows, along with a Hooded Crow, were on the shore just north of Ballygally (Halfway House Hotel). May Possibly be a hybrid pairing, with two juveniles.
 An Iceland Gull, was on the shore of Larne Lough, at Glynn.(Gareth Platt)

5Arctic Skua and a Great Skua were off Groomsport.(Richard Weyl)

Rathlin Bird Week...

Were looking for any birders who would like to stay on Rathlin during the first week or so of October to help us find and record birds on the island. Cheap accommodation is available for up to eight birders each night in return for birding the island and contributing sightings. Further information and the relevant contact details can be found here: Ric and Hazel)
Iceland Gull - Gareth Platt.
Red throated Diver - Thomas Campbell

Adult American Golden Plover - Neal Warnock.

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