
Bird News Tuesday 18th September

The American Black Tern was giving good views perched on posts to the left of the hide at the Barmouth between 9.00 and 9.30 this morning. (Clifford Sharpe & David Nixon).

Around Lough Foyle today were a single Pectoral Sandpiper, a Buff-breasted Sandpiper and a Curlew Sandpiper at Myroe. Also present were a Pink-footed Goose, 4 Ruff, 11 Med Gull and a high count of 56 Little Egret. (Brad Robson and Matthew Tickner).

A Greenland Wheatear was at Lough Mourne (Stuart McKee) and another there Wheatear was at Rockport (Derek Polley)

Greenland Wheatear, Stuart McKee:

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