
Bird News Wednesday 12th September

A juvenile American Black Tern was reported this morning on the Bann Estuary. The bird appears to be feeding along River Bann towards Coleraine but was roosting on rocks at the estuary mouth yesterday (Ian Dickey). The bird was still present at 12 at the Barmouth (Stuart McKee).

As well as the American Black Tern, the Barmouth had 2 first year Little Gulls, 10 Arctic Skua, a Pomarine Skua and a Bonxie. The small river at the Bann Estuary had an adult Little Gull and two Whimbrel. (Stuart McKee) 

100+ Meadow Pipit were at Whitehead Seafront this morning before quickly moving through (Ian Enlander)

Circa 55 Brent Geese flew over Helens Bay this afternoon (Philip Watson)

American Black Tern, Ian Dickey:

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