
Copeland Bird Observatory Winter Talk

Find out why Anthony McGeehan reckons Inishbofin is a ‘Last chance saloon’ for Irish birds when he presents the first of our new season CBO Winter Talks at the MBC on Tuesday 20th November.

Anthony can be credited as a true expert in Irish birds and has just released his most recent book ‘To the Ends of the Earth: Ireland's Place in Bird Migration’.

 Anthony notes that for species that breed there, ‘Inishbofin’s habitats have largely escaped 'farmageddon'. Hence populations of Skylarks, Corncrakes and Lapwings are still intact. For migrant birds, it can be either the first or last part of Europe... Anything can turn up’.

 Also planning a book is photographer Lawrence Eagling, who will bring the meeting up to date on an exciting project he has conceived, documenting the wildlife and changing landscape of the Copeland Islands throughout the seasons. Lawrence will present a sneak preview of some of his stunning CBO photos.

 This meeting is well worth reserving a slot for in your diary, and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

The talks commence at 7:30pm and everyone is welcome *** (Tea/Coffee & Biscuits provided: £2 admission).

 South Lecture Theatre
 Medical Biology Centre (MBC)
97 Lisburn Road,

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