
Bird News Saturday 12th January

The Hawfinch was still at Gosford Forest Park, a flock of 14 Crossbill were in a tree beside the main car-park. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

A ring-tail Hen Harrier was at Myroe Levels 11:30 am this morning. A Bonxie was off Ramore Head in Portrush with 7 Purple Sandpipers and 20 Turnstone also present. (Kevin Kirkham & Meta McMeekin).

13 Twite were at Whitehead with 1 also at Fisherman's Quay in Carrickfergus. (David Clarke)

The Lesser Whitethroat was seen again today. If  you are wanting to visit the house tomorrow, please ensure that you follow the instructions given previously and respect the owners privacy.

Two Ruff were at the high tide roost at Patton’s Marsh, Newtownards, this evening, 4.30pm (Suzanne Belshaw)

Thanks to Wilf Swain for the pictures of the Brent Geese and the Curlew and to David Clarke for the picture of the Twite:

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