
Bird News Thursday 3rd January

The Black Redstart and 12 Twite were still along the sea-front in Whitehead. 2 Long-tailed Ducks were off Hazelbank in Belfast Lough. (Garry Armstrong).

53 Tree Sparrows, 1 Brambling and 11 Lesser Redpoll were on feeders in a garden outside Hillsborough. (Garry Wilkinson).

A male Black Redstart is at Benderg Cliffs, Killard. Also at least 60 Yellowhammer are still in a field on the west side of Killard Road along with enormous numbers of Sparrows, Starlings, Skylarks, Wood-pigeons, Crows and, interestingly, Gulls. The Spoonbill was again on Ogilby Island, Comber. At least 8 Slavonian Grebes and one Black-throated Diver  were at Greyabbey. (Dermot Hughes).

At Myroe today on the lawn grass fields were 54 Pink-footed Geese, 35 Greylag Geese, c200 Brent Geese and 54 Whooper Swans. Off the sea embankment there were 4 Slavonian Grebes. (Hill Dick / Peter Robinson)

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