
Bird News Tuesday 15th January

The female Hawfinch was still present in Gosford Forest Park this am but very elusive, see pictures below.  (Clifford Sharpe)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at the Ballymena Ecos Park (Geoff Larkin).

15 Twite were still at the boatyard at Whitehead this afternoon, see picture below.  (Philip McErlean).

A Black Redstart was at Newcastle, close to the Shimna footbridge, this afternoon. Five Purple Sandpipers were also present. (Ian Jackson).

There was no sign of the Hoopoe at Dan Winters Cottage c.1-2pm, but lots of Fieldfares and a male Kestrel were seen. A male ring-tail Hen Harrier and 500 Lapwings were at Inch Abbey Marshes, Downpatrick at 4pm (Chris Murphy, Doris Noe)

A male Great Spotted Woodpecker was in Corrals Avenue, Ballymena (William Brown)

An untagged White-tailed Eagle was seen at Lower Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh (Amy Burns)

Thanks to Clifford Sharpe for the pictures of the Hawfinch, to Philip McErlean for the picture of the Twite, to Ian Jackson for the picture of the Turnstone and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Goldcrest:

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