
Bird News Sunday 21st April

A drake Garganey was at the east end of Reedy Flats, 15 Whimbrel, 6 White Wagrtail and 12 Black-tailed Godwit were also present. 12 White Wagtail were in a ploughed field at the eastern end of Ardmore. 2 Grasshopper Warblers were singing at Oxford Island (Garry Armstrong, Ed O'Hara).

On Rathlin the Ring Ouzel was still at Kebble this morning, plus 2 Tree Pipits and 5 Great Skuas. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Reed Warbler was seen at Oxford Island again, see picture below. (Ed O'Hara, C McQuillan).

A Grasshopper Warbler was at Bessbrook, see picture below. (Neil Cartmill).

A Red Kite flew south along the Lower Bann at 16.45 at The Loughan, Coleraine. (Richard Donaghey).

Myroe had 25 White Wagtails and a Merlin with several summer plumaged Slavonian Grebes and Long-tailed Ducks offshore. (Neal Warnock).

Tory Island had 40 White Wagtails, 3 Chiffchaffs, 1 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcaps, 3 Redwing, 2 Corncrake and a Merlin. (brad Robson).

Thanks to Neil Cartmill for the picture of the Grasshopper Warbler, to Ed O'Hara for the pictures of the Reed Warbler and the White Wagtail, to Michael Latham for the picture of the Wheatear, to Jason Bain for the picture of the Meadow Pipit and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Buzzard:

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