
Bird News Friday 24th May

The Glossy Ibis was still at Portmore Lough RSPB Reserve this morning (Richard Hunter) The Ibis was still present this evening and a drake Garganey was also present. (Michael Latham)

A Red Kite was over the M1 at the Oxford Island junction. (Colin Mayes).

A pair of Common Crossbills were an unusual sight at the Ecos Park. (Jeff Larkin)

A drake Garganey was at the south west corner of Lough Beg (Richard Hunter)

4 Crossbill were in Randalstown forest this evening. (Richard Hunter)

Our thanks to David Hunter for the pic of the Swallow, to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Glossy Ibis and the Garganey and to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Kestrel, Skylark and Meadow Pipit:

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