
Bird News Sunday 12th May

 A juv Gull photographed at Millquater Bay Strangford Lough on Friday with a leg ring reading X86A, has been confirmed as a Caspian Gull, the bird was ringed in Germany and it is only the third time ever that a ringed Caspian Gull has been spotted in Northern Ireland, (the first being a bird ringed in Poland) the bird was seen  by Graham McElwaine, our thanks to Gareth Platt for the info.
(As well as the Polish bird there was a ringed Caspian Gull at Ormeau Park in Belfast in 2012. It only came to light from BTO ringing reports and was also published in Irish Birds.)
A Spotted Flycatcher was at the NT The Argory (Karen Elliott)

Several Whinchat and a Cuckoo where seen in the hills above Cushendun.(Michael Latham). A Cuckoo was also heard in the glenwherry valley this morning (Kenny Moore)

Our thanks to  Michael Latham for the Whinchat and to Paul Allen for the Red Kite 

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