
Bird News Monday 15th July

A Turnstone, a Purple Sandpiper and 5 Dunlin - all adults - were at Kilhorne Bay south of Annalong this morning. (Richard Gray).

Yesterday a Quail was calling at 16.30 close to the roadside, 2 km east of Sperrin in Glennelly valley (Larry Toal).

Portmuck had an adult Mediterranean Gull this afternoon, the Gobbins area had 1 Whimbrel. (Ian Enlander).

A summer plumaged Great Northern Diver was in Killough harbour this evening. (Chris Murphy).

A single Brent Goose flew south past Annalong this evening. (Richard Grey).

There will be a boat trip to Islay and Jura this Thursday (July 18th) to see Golden and Sea Eagles. Contact Jim Wells on-07856235144 for full details.

Thanks to Jonny Rosborough for the pictures of the Puffins:

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