
Bird News Friday 23rd August

The Blue-headed Wagtail was still at Oxford Island this morning (Ed O’Hara)

A large flock of Brent Geese were seen arriving in to Strangford Lough (James Orr)

Lough Beg this evening had four Garganey , 19 Ruff and a Green Sandpiper . A juvenile Cuckoo was at Mullagh.(David Steele)

This evening at RSPB WoW were 22 adult Roseate Terns and 6 juveniles. The Black Tern was still there (Stuart McKee).

A juvenile Hen Harrier was on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

Our thanks to Ed O'Hara for his pic of the Wagtail.Also  to Stephen Maxwell for the photo of the Ruff.\

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