
Bird News Monday 26th August

A Spotted Redshank was showing from the hide at the Bann Estuary, a Black Tern was also present. (John Spottiswood)

2 Whimbrel where at Sandy Bay, Larne.(Kevin Kirkham Brown)

A Black Tern and a number of Storm Petrels were seen off a boat in the North Channel (Ronald Surgenor)

RSPB WoW this evening had 12 Ruff and 7 Roseate Tern (Wilton Farrelly)

Killough: some high counts among the days’ tally: 90 Roseate Terns, mostly adults and most of them ringed; 480 Common Terns, 3 ArcticTerns, 256 Sandwich Terns, c. 450 ‘pairs’ of ad and juv Razorbill/Guillemot (between coastguard and lighthouse); 54 Black-tailed Godwit, 8 Knot, 10 Greenshank, 2 Whimbrel, 31 Curlew, 172 Ringed Plover, 106 Dunlin (mostly juvs), 3 Snipe, 100 Lapwing, 254 Redshank, 20 Little Egrets and 12 Little Grebe (Chris Murphy/Doris Noe)

A Red Kite was in the Antrim Hills (Kenny Moore)

Our thanks to Andrew Poots for this picture of a Spotted Flycatcher. Also to Ronald Surgenor for  photo's of a Storm Petrel and a Black Tern.Bottom photo is off a Sedge Warbler sent in by Thomas Campbell.

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