
Bird News Saturday 3rd August

Reed Warblers are still present in the reed bed around Kinnegoe hide at Oxford Island, a Common Sandpiper was behind the Discovery Centre and a leucistic Cormorant in Closet Bay. (Garry Armstrong/Mick Henderson)

Two Ruff ere in the south west corner of Lough Beg. There was no sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher (Richard Hunter).

17 Greenshank were at Glynn. (Gerard McGeehan & Shirley Dunlop).

A summer plumaged Great Northern Diver was off Newcastle beach (Daniel Newton).

10 Crossbill and a Spotted Flycatcher were at Capanagh, 2 Common Sandpipers were at Kinnegar Pool. (Michael Latham).

A Kingfisher was at Solitude Park in Banbridge. (Colin Bell).

2 young hybrid Carrion x Hooded Crows were at Windmill Hill, Portaferry. (Graham Day)

Great Northern Diver - Daniel Newton

Crossbill - Michael Latham

Sandwich Tern - Thomas Campbell
Redshank - Thomas Campbell

Reed Warbler - Oxford Island

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