
Bird News Saturday 21st September

A female/juvenile Redstart was at Kearney, in the first large garden on right at the car park entrance (Billy Miskelly)

Seacliff Road Bangor high tide roost had 2 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Dunlin and 13 Turnstone (Derek Polley).

A Ruff was at Kirkistown. (Richard Weyl).

The RSPB Wow reserve had the Spotted Redshank a Curlew Sandpiper and a Ruff.(Michael Latham)

The leucistic  Gull photographed a week ago has now re-appeared at Whitehouse Lagoon, our thanks to Suzanne Belshaw for the photo. Also thanks to Alastair McLean for the pic of the Tufted Duck.Bottom pic is off the  Spotted Redshank the bird in front is a Redshank, nice to get a comparsion of the two, this pic was kindly sent in by Michael Latham.\

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