
Bird News Sunday 27th October

A Pallas’s Warbler has been found at Kearney, Co Down this morning. It is in the largest garden where the Red-breasted Flycatcher was two years ago (Richard Weyl). The bird was still present at 10:20am (Hal McCullough). The bird was still showing at 16:30 but can be elusive. Please respect the privacy of residents.

At least five White-rumped Sandpipers were at Myroe this morning, feeding in the drainage channel (Daniel Newton)

Two Snow Buntings were at Ramore Head. Three Greenland Whitefronts also flew over (Daniel Newton)

Two female or  juvenile  Garganey were at Lough Beg today (David Steele)

There were 7 Purple Sandpipers at the back of Newcastle Pier this morning. (Michael Latham)

The Spoonbill seems to have returned to Strangford Lough. It was seen flying up past Mount Stewart at 2:45 (Jonny Andrews)

A Barred Warbler was on Tory Island (Anton Meenan) and a drake American Wigeon at Gortahork (Derek Brennan).

Two Ruff were in a flooded field at Kirkiston. (Richard Weyl).

Thanks to Tony Dodds for the pictures of the Pallas's Warbler, to Jonny Andrews for the picture of the Spoonbill, to Michael Latham for the picture of the Purple Sandpipers, to Christine Cassidy and Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the White-rumped Sandpipers and American Golden Plover from yesterday and to Daniel Newton for the picture of the Snow Bunting:

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