
Bird News Wednesday 30th October

A White-rumped Sandpiper was at RSPB WoW this morning (Gerard McGeehan / Carol Gillespie)

Another White-rumped Sandpiper was on the turf fields at Myroe this morning. A Snow Bunting and a Jack Snipe were also seen at Myroe. (Jeff Larkin)

A Great White Egret is at the west end of Lower Lough Erne (Brad Robson).

A Barn Owl flew over the Cushendall Road at the Ballymena end at 6p.m. this evening. (Ginny McKee).

At least two Whimbrel were at Grey Point this afternoon. (Philip McErlean).

A high count of 35 Little Egrets were at Church Island, Lough Beg this afternoon, also 20+ Ruff in the area. (David Steele).

Thanks to Jeff Larkin for the first picture of the Snow Bunting, to David Knight for the second Snow Bunting picture, to Philip McErlean for the picture of the Whimbrel, to Mervyn Campbell for the picture of the Merlin, to Stuart Cahoon for the picture of the Sparrowhawk and to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the White-rumped Sandpiper and the Fieldfare:

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