
Bird News Monday 25th November

At least 13 Waxwing were in Ballymoney this afternoon. The birds were on the Ballymoney side of the Kirk Road, half way up the hill from the bi-pass junction (Dick Glasgow)

An adult Med Gull was at Whitehead seafront, at least 43 Pink-footed Geese were still at Brown's Bay Road, Islandmagee. 2 Tree Sparrows were in a garden in Whitehead. (Cameron Moore)

Macedon Point, Belfast Lough had a Slavonian Grebe, a drake Long-tailed Duck 12 Red-throated Diver and Loughshore had 3 Common Scoter (Stuart McKee)

Waxwings, Dick Glasgow:

Twite, Glenarm - Kenny Majury:

Mediterranean Gull, Cameron Moore:

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