
Bird News Monday 4th November

On Islandmagee the Greenland White-fronted Goose was still at Steele's Point, a Pink-footed Goose along with large numbers of Greylag Geese were also present. At the Brown's Bay Road, the 53 Pink-footed Geese were still present. (Cameron Moore & Ian Enlander).

Three White-rumped Sandpipers were at Lough Beg this afternoon, in the Church Island area associating with Dunlins and large numbers of Golden Plovers and Lapwings, however the flocks are very mobile. Also 40 Little Egrets (record site count). (David Steele).

A single White-rumped Sandpiper was still in the channel at Myroe today, three Greenshank were also present and good numbers of Slavonian Grebe were still visible on the lough. (Lindsay Hodges & Christine Cassidy)

A female Brambling was with 40+ Chaffinch feeding on mast Gosford Caravan  Park (Clifford Sharpe)

A Carrion Crow was on rough ground next to Asda, Antrim (Mark Smyth)

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Greenland White-fronted and the Pink-footed Geese, to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the White-rumped Sandpiper and the Dunlin and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Mistle Thrush:

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