
Bird News Saturday 16th November

A Red-necked Grebe is showing well off Hazelbank, Belfast Lough (Stuart McKee). Two Slavonian Grebe and a Long-tailed Duck were also present.

4 ad male Long-tailed Ducks were off Carrickfergus and presumably the same Red-necked Grebe off Carrickfergus Marina at high tide (Brian Sutton)

A Great White Egret is still at the west end of Lower Lough Erne (Brad Robson)

Five Long-tailed Ducks were on Belfast Lough, including two drakes, between Macedon Point and Carrickfergus (Garry Armstrong)

A Velvet Scoter and two Slavonian Grebe were off Glynn Station (Neal Warnock)

A flock of 11 Snow Buntings were on Whitepark Bay beach this morning between 11 and 12 (Patrick Barton)

Two female Scoter were at Glenarm salmon cages, Great Northern and Red-throated Divers at Ballygalley, a female Goosander at Glynn, and single Pink-foot with the Greylags on Islandmagee. (Richard Grey)

A flock of 20 Snow Buntings were on Rathlin Island (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

Five Snow Bunting were at Slieve Gullion, Co Armagh (David Knight)

Two Black-throated Divers and a Twite were at Carnlough. (Neal Warnock)

A single juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper was feeding around puddles off the roadway at Myroe (Ian Enlander)

The presumed leucistic Herring Gull was seen again at Craffordsburn today (Chris Shaw)

The Pink-footed Goose flock was still at Islandmagee (Cameron Moore)

A Hen Harrier was seen near Portaferry (Stephen Dunbar)

Red-necked Grebe:

White-rumped Sandpiper, Ian Enlander:

Whoopers in flight, Thomas Campbell:

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