
Bird News Saturday 30th November

The 14 Waxwing were still present at Kirk Road, Ballymoney this morning (Richard Hunter)

A Water Pipit is at Glassagh Bay, Fanad, Co Donegal (Jamie Bliss).

2 Ruff were at Kirkiston and 5 Jack Snipe were with 40 Snipe at Portavogie on the Outer Ards. (Richard Weyl).

The Great White Egret was still at the south end of Lough Beg today, two White-fronted Geese were also present. (David Steele).

Seven Purple Sandpiper were at the high tide roost at Bangor (Derek Polley)

Thanks to Thomas Campbell for the first Waxwing picture and the Buzzard picture and to Michael Latham for the second Waxwing picture:

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