
Bird News Sunday 3rd November

Six White-rumped Sandpipers and at least 73 Slavonian Grebe were at Myroe (Stuart McKee) The juvenile American Golden Plover was again in a ploughed field at Myroe. (Michael Latham). Two Pink-footed Geese, four Long-tailed Ducks and a Merlin were also present. (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop, Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn & Jeff Larkin).

A Green Sandpiper was seen briefly at Shaw's Lake, Co. Armagh this morning. (Joe Devlin)

The flock of 53 Pink-footed Geese were still in the stubble fields near Brown's Bay, Islandmagee. Another Pink-foot and a Greenland White-front were with 85 Greylags at Steele's Point, Islandmagee (Neal Warnock)

Three Swallows remain at Whitehead (Adam McClure).

A Great White Egret was at the south end of Lough Beg. (David Steele).

A Short-eared Owl was at Ballykelly this afternoon. (Michael Savage).

A Short-eared Owl was at Kearney, this is probably a different bird from the one that was there on Friday. 4 Mediterranean Gulls were at Ballyhalbert. (Richard Weyl).

Thanks to Michael Latham for the pictures of three of the White-rumped Sandpipers with a Dunlin and the juvenile American Golden Plover and thanks to Jonny Rosborough for the two pictures of individual White-rumped Sandpipers:

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