
Bird News Sunday 1st December

A Red-necked Grebe was off Rhanbuoy Park, Carrick, also a Carrion Crow there. (Jeff Larkin)

The Waxwing flock in Ballymoney continues to give excellent views (Daniel Newton)

The Water Pipit is still at Glassagh Bay, Fanad, Donegal (Theo Campbell / Chris Ingram)

A Swallow was seen at Kinnego Marina at 12:40 (Ed O'Hara \ Colm McQuillan)

Lough Beg had 650 Whooper Swans and 30 Greylag Geese (There were no birds in vicinity of the Whooper Swan Functionally Linked Land (FLL) below where Aughrim Hill used to be). The Quoile Pondage has 3 Scaup (Chris Murphy, Tony Donaldson)

Water Pipit, Wilton Farrelly:

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