
Bird News Friday 31st January.

A single Snow Bunting was at Ramore Head.(John Clarke)

The male Long-tailed Duck still Back Lough,E'killen, 4th winter Glaucous Gull and juv Iceland Gull still E'killen dump.(Brad Robson)

Shillnavogey Rd had a Merlin  plus 2 Red Grouse, Oxford Island had a male Ring-necked Duck(Ed O'Hara)

The Great White Egret, Spoonbill, 26 Ruff and a ringtail Hen Harrier were at Lough Beg, Derry this morning. There was no sign of the Lesser Yellowlegs. (Neal Warnock)

Eider photo kindly sent in by Alastair McLean. The pic of the Buzzard sent in by David Clarke and bottom photo is of the Ring-necked Duck sent in by Ed O'Hara

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