
Bird News Saturday 25th January

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Kinnego Bay, Oxford Island (Ed O’Hara)

A Black-throated Diver and 3 Red-throated Divers were at Carnlough (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

3 Sandwich Terns were on the jetty at Portaferry this afternoon, along with a Carrion Crow and a Greenshank nearby. A Merlin was at Templecowey and 20 Shoveler at Ballyquentin Farm. (Chris Acheson)

The Water Pipit was still at Ballyfrench beach and at nearby Portavogie there were a Ruff, 6 Jack Snipe and a Mediterranean Gull. (Richard Weyl)

Three female Snew and a Hen Harrier were at RSPB Portmore (Brian Murphy \ Sandra McDowell)

Two Mediterranean Gulls were on Kinnegar Shore (Mike Ervine)

The male Long-tailed Duck was still at Enniskillen Back Lough; 1 4th yr Glaucous, 1 juv and 1 2nd winter Iceland Gull were at Enniskillen dump, 1 2nd winter  Iceland Gull flew past the cliffs at Bundoran Donegal and a Great Northern Diver was on Lower Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

Approx 30 Waxwings were along Coleraine bypass immediately north of Asda this afternoon. 
Earlier, 180 Barnacles and 8 Chough were north of Malin village, the drake American Wigeon still at Culdaff, a single Pinkfoot and female Scaup at Inch, and 240 Greenland Whitefronts at Big Isle. (Richard Gray)

Ring-necked Duck, Ed O'Hara:

Smew, Sandra McDowell:

Redwing, Stephen Maxwell:

Redwing, Albert Boyle:

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