
Bird News Thursday 9th January.

An American Herring Gull was seen off Macedon Point, Belfast Lough. (Stuart McKee)

There was a flock of 15-20 Redwings feeding on Cotonester berries at Stranmillis Boat Club car park this afternoon. (Philip McErlean)

The Water Pipit remains at Cushendun.(Dermot Hughes)

1 Jack Snipe 1 Peregrine and 3 Redhead Smew still Portmore Lough RSPB Reserve today(Brad Robson) A probable Lesser Scaup was also at Portmore Lough and a redhead Smew at Reedy Flats.(Clifford Sharp / Joe Devlin)

Belfast WoW reserve had a high count of 350+ Curlew and a high count of Knot. (Derek Polley)

Our thanks to Jonny Andrews for the Fieldfare photo and also to Philip McErlean for the Redwing flock.Also to Dermot Hughes for the pic of the Water Pipit. Bottom pic American Herring Gull sent in by Stuart McKee.

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