
Bird News Wednesday 1st January

Corbet Lough this morning had 3 male Goosander and  6 adult and 11 juvenile Whooper Swan. (Mike McLaughlin).

A Water Pipit was on the shore by the farmhouse at Ballyquintin Point at 11.30 this morning. (Richard Weyl).

The Water Pipit was again at the north end of the beach at Cushendun. (Jeff Larkin).

The Ring-billed Gull and a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull were at Carrickfergus. (Ed O'Hara/Jeff Larkin/Daniel Newton/Jeff Higgott).

Two Long-tailed Duck were off Fisherman's Quay in Carrickfergus and a Slavonian Grebe was off Macedon Point in Belfast Lough. (Ed O'Hara).

The Spoonbill was at Anne's Point in Strangford Lough. (Daniel Newton).

The Northern "borealis" Eider was off Carrickfergus, see picture below. (Jeff Higgott).

The hybrid Ring-billed x Common Gull was again at Millisle. (Jeff Higgott),

Four Great Northern Divers were in Killough Harbour and 7 Sandwich Terns were at Cloghy Rocks, in Strangford Narrows (Chris Murphy).

Along the north coast 10 Pink-footed Geese, 13 Slavonian Grebe and a Carrion Crow were at Myroe, 87 Purple Sandpipers were at Ramore Head in Portrush and a red head Goosander at Ballycastle. (Neal Warnock).

On Rathlin 13 White-fronted Geese were seen flying towards the north coast. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Yesterday 35 Waxwings and 25 Mistle Thrushes were feeding on berries in Barrack Street in Belfast. (Chris Murphy/David Clarke & Brian Redpath)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Ring-billed Gull, to Mike McLaughlin for the picture of the Goosanders, to Thomas Campbell for the pictures of the Whooper Swans and Sanderling, to Jeff Higgott for the pictures of the borealis Eider and the Mediterranean Gull and to Neal Warnock for the picture of the red head Goosander:

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