
Bird News Sunday 2nd February

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Oxford Island, Co Armagh (Neal Warnock)

The drake American Wigeon was still at Culdaff, Co Donegal (Jeff Larkin).

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus. (Philip West).

A Mediterranean Gull and a hybrid Hooded x Carrion Crow were at Glynn in Larne Lough. (Gareth Platt).

Lough Beg today had 740 Whooper Swans, 2,000 Golden Plover, 1,000 Lapwing, 22 Ruff and 43 Little Egrets. A ringtail Hen Harrier was hunting between Church Island and Paddy’s Dub. (Chris Murphy & Doris Noe)

The Great White Egret was at Lough Beg (Richard Donaghey)

A female American Wigeon was at Dargan Bay, Belfast Lough (Birdguides)

Thanks to Jonny Rosborough for the pictures of the Red Grouse and to Gareth Platt for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull and the Bar-tailed Godwit which was ringed in Holland:

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